Elevate Your Recruitment Game: Navigating Industry-Specific Sites

Author: Abby Garrick 

Only 40% of job seekers are currently confident about landing their dream job in 2024. That means a staggering 60% are settling for roles that don't quite match their aspirations. So, why is this happening? Here's the new face of recruiting:

The labor market has undergone a profound transformation, calling for adaptability, unique skill sets, and the urgent need to bridge gaps like never before – for both job seekers and businesses.

In this era of emerging trends and technologies amid an unpredictable world, the recruitment realm has witnessed hiring freezes, widespread layoffs, the rise of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence, and a surge of job seekers with distinct preferences and priorities for their next venture. These shifts demand fresh skills and a new mindset to thrive in this dynamic environment.

Businesses are grappling with pressing questions:

  • How can we increase ad visibility?

  • How do we improve the candidate experience once they get to us?

Enter JobTarget and Nexxt, a powerhouse duo ready to tackle these challenges head-on.

How to Increase Your Job Ad Visibility

We all know that a perfectly written job advertisement means nothing if the right candidate never sees it. So, it’s time to get creative.

Diversify where you post your ad. There are many different types of job sites to choose from when posting your role, and where you end up posting can make a critical difference. The best strategy is to aim for a diversified mix of sites to help ensure that your job is getting in front of a diversified group of job seekers.

How JobTarget Can Help:
• With Programmatic, you can automate posting your ads across 100+ job sites
• No more guesswork or wasted budget – simply reach more of the right candidates with ease and efficiency
Get the One-Pager!

Post where candidates are currently engaging. Candidates are familiar with popular job sites and will often return to them to find new roles. Not to mention, they garner millions of users, so your candidate pool can increase dramatically.

Niche sites are essential to include in your ad strategy because they may have candidates with specific skills and requirements that you need and may not have found on more generic sites.

Add industry or sector-related job sites, professional membership sites, and collegiate sites to your strategy next time. In addition, localized job sites can be helpful if you’re looking for job seekers close to your job posting’s location or are looking for seasonal/part-time candidates.

Appear in the right job searches to ensure high-quality traffic. Appearing in the right job search requires knowing what the search could be. This has everything to do with the language your ideal candidates speak, the appropriate job title, a tailored job description, and an understood dialect that candidates applying for roles like these would use.

Additionally, reach your audience where they already are—on their phones and in their emails.

Did you know:  58% of surveyed job seekers said they check their email multiple times a day to see if there are new job opportunities waiting for them?

How Nexxt Can Help:
Nexxt allows employers to access candidates via text message or email to get in front of targeted audiences instantly.

Text messages from Nexxt have a 97% open rate and give employers direct and immediate access to the people they want to hire.

Ensure your jobs remain open and available until filled. There’s nothing worse than a candidate applying for a job and then getting a notification that the job has already been filled. This takes some maintenance, great technology, and attention to detail. It’s a great way to lose a future candidate. Don’t make that mistake!

Limit wasted spend on underperforming job sites. This is the toughest step of the process. It can be hard to gauge how your jobs perform on each site and when to remove them (and redirect them). But it’s essential to make sure you’re not losing money on your job ads and losing potential talent.

How to Incorporate the Candidate Experience 

Two words: social listening.

Job seekers have been through a whirlwind of market conditions over the past few years. They could have been furloughed during the pandemic, stuck in a job they didn’t want to be in, switched industries to stay relevant, or even reimagined how their career aligns with their personal life.

Communication and transparency have become paramount in every industry, including recruitment.

Candidates desire a simple yet smart job search, application, and interview process.

Here’s where data comes in again.

Measure, Measure, Measure.
You’ve taken the time to build a meaningful candidate experience for your organization. Now what? Test, test, test. 

What’s working? What’s not?
Have your engagement rates increased?
What kind of candidates have your job ads been capturing?
Have your time-to-hire or quality-of-hire rates improved?
Have candidates commented on their experience?

Keep implementing new candidate data on high-performing employees in similar roles or your internal hiring data.

And last but not least, evolve your messaging as you incorporate this feedback. Intentional social listening will advance your hiring outcomes.

What are Job Seekers Looking for?

Survey results from Nexxt, a leading HR technology company for reaching candidates at scale, shed light on what job seekers value most in a new opportunity:

What Job Seekers Really Want:
Competitive Pay
Positive Work Environment
Flexible Hours
Professional Development and Mentoring Opportunities
Unique Benefits or Perks
Top Benefits/Perks That Job Seekers Find the Most Exciting:
Remote Work/ Flexible Scheduling
Healthcare/ Dental Care Options
Retirement Savings Plan with a Company Match
Unlimited Paid Time Off
Paid Volunteer Days
What Type of Work Are Job Seekers Currently Looking For?
• Full Time: 73% 
• Part Time: 38% 
• Freelance/Contract: 23%
• Gig: 12%

A Game-Changer in Recruitment

If you're ready to navigate these challenges and ensure that your recruitment tactics align with the ever-changing demands of businesses and job seekers, dive into the comprehensive playbook "A Full-Funnel Approach to Recruitment: Job Advertising Meets the Candidate Experience.

Crafted through the powerful collaboration between JobTarget and Nexxt, this guide unlocks essential insights on setting data-driven hiring objectives, crafting captivating job postings, and harnessing JobTarget Intelligence for a strategic recruitment game plan.

Seize the opportunity to supercharge your recruitment strategies and elevate the candidate journey. Grab your copy of the guide now for a competitive edge in the recruitment arena!

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